a collective art project

Where Land and Sea Meet, is the title of a collective art project consisting of 5 artist's from Scotland, Denmark, Holland and Iceland.

Through each of the artists mediums, photography, sculpture drawing and performance, works will be created that reflect the space between land and sea.

Sunday, 31 October 2010

Monday, 11 October 2010

Will be hosting the artist in Bíldudalur 2010

Arriving to the west coast of Iceland is memorable experience where many things here will take you by surprise in a very enjoyable way.
Be outdoors in breathtaking environment of Arnarfjordur (Eaglefjord) where the nature and history weaves together so beautifully.
The winters are also an option, the arctic darkness, clear starlit Skye's, auroras and natural hot pool to soak in is something that can be combined wonderfully.
Walk on a beach with mystical mountain view is experience that will recharge you for a long time.

We offer fully furnished apartments or house to rent for longer or shorter stays, deep sea angling, guided tours through historic viking sites, hiking trips, boat trips, barbecue picnics, winter adventure tours, ice climbing, aurora viewing are among things that Eaglefjord offers you and your group to experience.

We transport you where you want to go by land or sea around the local area and provide guides with practical information.

Contact us by email jon@bildudal.is or by phone 354-894-1684

text taken from the webpage : www.bildudalur.is

In conversation

Conversation over the internet with Jon Þorðarsson. He will be hosting the second exhibiton of LAND&SEA.
We are all looking forward : )